martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

strange dream
Sin título-1 copia
Dreams are endless...

12 comentarios:

Dress Code: High Fashion dijo...

Wow...this is a really strange reflexion of a strange dream...I love how you added the "realistic" black&white photo, which I read as "the awakening of the dreamer". The mixing of "art styles" adds to the feeling of desorientation.

The collage is really surreal & postmodern. Hypnotizing! A real piece of art!

Unknown dijo...

Wow, thank you very much for your words Jenny!
I like how you explain the meaning of this work.
Also I like your adjectives about desorientation and Hypnotizing.
It is a pleasure to know that you like it!

Lenne dijo...

Did you illustrate these? It's a very eye catching collage!


Unknown dijo...

Hi Lenne!
Yes I did. I work with my photos and illustrations.
Thanks a lot for your comment. I take a look for your web.

A Xanela dijo...

Me gusta ver como te aferras a tus sueños y no dejas que se escapen. Buen trabajo!

Unknown dijo...

Muchas gracias A Xanela.
Cacé el sueño antes de despertarme.


wow!! looks incredible!! visually stunning!

hannbokhi dijo...

Very original blog:).
Thanks for comment.

Unknown dijo...

-Hi sojourned!
Thanks a lot for all your comments.
It is a pleasure that you liked.
You Have really interesting selection of fashion pics in your blog. Congratulations.

-Hbub29: thanks a lot for your comment regards!

Explendid dijo...

Mil gracias por pasarte por mi blog! La verdad es que el tuyo es muy original y el post de hoy me inspira muchísimas cosas, tiene algo que me recuerda a Dalí


Unknown dijo...

Gracias a ti explendid.
Es cierto, lo que te recuerda quizás sean las hormigas, uno de los elementos más característicos del surrealismo.
Besos :)

Luna Tiger dijo...

Au niveau des thèmes de ton travail, j'aime beaucoup le côté onirique qui emprunte au grand réservoir de l'imaginaire collectif : mythologie, ,contes,légendes, tout un univers dont je suis proche.